It was another profitable week and month for us at SPX Option Trader! We ended the month of November with +81% ROI in our SPX weekly option trading, +29% ROI in our SPY weekly option trading and +49% ROM in our SPX Spread Trader. We ended this past week with +74% ROI in our SPX weekly option trading, +61% ROI in our SPY weekly option trading and -66% ROM in our SPX Spread Trader. We’ve seen several small profit days lately in the SPX Option Trader. All 5 trades this week were winners in both SPX and SPY option trades. They were all relatively small winners, and the market went significantly further in our direction 2 of those 5 days after we exited the trade at a small profit. We rarely ride a trade to the maximum profit possible. We try to ride a trade the best we can, but we are also seeking to protect ourselves against large losses. We may miss some larger runs, but we also have protected ourselves against larger losses more times than not. That was seen this week as well. We simply stay consistent in our approach, and never regret locking in a profit on a day. Of course, we desire to maximize our profit each day, but we know that the overall performance is more important than any single day. It is as we use the information provided each day in the SPX Daily Outlook that we are successful. We look forward to an exciting month ahead, day trading SPX and SPY weekly options. Below are our comments for each trading day of this week: