It was a mixed week for us at SPX Option Trader. Two of our strategies ended the week positive as we ended the week with +88% ROI in our SPX Binary Trader and +72% ROM in our SPX Spread Trader. Two of our strategies were down, as we ended the week with -107% ROI in our SPX weekly option trading, and -130% ROI in our SPY weekly option trading. There were several tight range days yet again, as we’ve seen over these past few weeks. It is never enjoyable to have a down week, but it is something we expect to happen in our trading. Down weeks happen, historically at least one a month, if not more. So, a week like this, while not desired is expected. We simply shake ourselves off and return next week to hit it again. Because we have confidence that as we stay consistent, the long-term returns will take care of themselves.  Below are our trading comments for each day of this past week.


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