It was a tough week for us at SPX Option Trader. Whenever the market is hitting new highs, it can be difficult to trade. That proved to be the case this past week. We had 2 winning trades and 3 down trades in our SPX trading this week. We ended the week with -77% ROI in our SPX weekly option trading and -113% in our SPY weekly Option trading. Whenever we go through rough patches, we pause and remember the bigger picture. A few down weeks in a row, is not unusual in our approach. We are profitable over the long term, but that involves drawdowns. The key to our approach is to stay consistent, so that we can take advantage of the wins when they come. So we don’t let a few drawdowns concern us or cause us to change our approach. We get up each day and hit it fresh, because everyday is a new start when you are a day trader. Below are our comments for each day of this past week.
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