What a wild week in the markets! Due to the extreme jump in option prices, we only traded one day and made +200% ROI in our SPX Weekly Option Trader. With the historic jump in volatility, the options prices were extremely expensive for most of the trading week. Because of that, we didn’t trade Tuesday-Friday. That has never happened to us in our service before. However we have seen this a few times in our own trading over the past 20 years. These types of extreme prices are rare, but when it happens it is best to wait for the options to return to a normal price range before trading. Normally the SPX options we trade range from 2-6 per contract. After the huge jump on Monday, the options were trading from 15-60 or more first thing in the morning. To purchase an option on expiration at those prices is just too risky in our opinion. This is because it takes a huge point move in the SPX to just make a little profit at those prices. Normally we can make very nice profits with just a little move. But to require such a huge move just to make a little, isn’t worth the risk.
For example, on Friday the SPX hit our 3rd target high level just before 10 am. Normally such a move would have resulted in well over 300%-500% gain or more. However, because of the extreme prices of the option, if we had traded the 2610 call as we normally would, it would have only resulted in only a 30% gain. If the potential is to only make 30% when it hits our 3rd target level within 30 minutes of entry, it just isn’t worth the risk. So, we sat on the sidelines for many days this week. The prices on options should settle down in the near future and we’ll be ready to trade when that happens. We won’t force a trade simply for the sake of having a trade to share with you. We are sharing what we are doing, and that includes when we are sitting on the sidelines with no trades. Every trade is a risk, and we don’t trade when the risk is too great. The only day we traded in our SPX Daily Outlook was Monday, and our comments for that day are below.
This content is for members only.For the week our SPX Spread Trader was +150% ROM and our SPX Binary Trader was -15% ROI. February has been wild ride, and is a prime example of why we don’t hold anything over night. However, these huge swings can be very nice for day traders. We look forward to another great week ahead, day trading SPX weekly Options.